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Le 15 septembre/September 2022

The quarterly rebalancing of the CSE Composite Index will result in the following changes, effective after the close on Friday, September 16, 2022.

Le rééquilibrage trimestriel de l’indice composé du CSE Composite entraînera les modifications suivantes, en vigueur à la fermeture le vendredi 16 septembre 2022.


Symbol Issuer Sector
BVCI Blockchain Venture Capital Inc. Technology
CANN Heritage Cannabis Holdings Corp. Life Sciences
GAMA Gama Explorations Inc. Mining
GREN Madison Metals Inc. Mining
GSRI Golden Shield Resources Inc. Mining
GTTX GeneTether Therapeutics Inc. Life Sciences
GTX Gold Tree Resources Ltd Mining
HBFG Happy Belly Food Group Inc. Life Sciences
IBH Indigenous Bloom Hemp Corp. Life Sciences
KVM Kingsview Minerals Ltd. Mining
LIFT Li-FT Power Ltd. Mining
LODE Lode Metals Corp. Mining
LUX Newlox Gold Ventures Corp. CleanTech
MLKM Mayo Lake Minerals Inc. Mining
MNG Mongoose Mining Ltd. Mining
MRMD MariMed Inc. Life Sciences
NUR Nuran Wireless Inc. Technology
PNRG Pan American Energy Corp. Mining
POWR Clear Sky Lithium Corp. Mining
PRIZ Prismo Metals Inc Mining
RR Recharge Resources Ltd. Mining
SPEY Spey Resources Corp. Mining
TICO Talent Infinity Resource Developments Inc. Mining
TRAC Traction Uranium Corp. Mining
TWOH Two Hands Corporation Diversified Industries
URB Urbana Corporation Diversified Industries
WTER The Alkaline Water Company Inc. Diversified Industries
ZOG Zoglo's Incredible Food Corp. Diversified Industries



Symbol Issuer Sector
ABRT Albert Labs International Corp. Life Sciences
AFI Affinor Growers Inc. Life Sciences
AQUA Aquarius AI Inc. Technology
ATMO Atmofizer Technologies Inc. Technology
AUHI Advance United Holdings Inc. Mining
BETS I3 Interactive Inc. Technology
BJB Bond Resources Inc. Mining
BLGV Belgravia Hartford Capital Inc. Diversified Industries
CAMP Canadian GoldCamps Corp. Mining
CGII CleanGo Innovations Inc. Diversified Industries
COYX CoinAnalyst Corp Technology
CPTR Captor Capital Corp Diversified Industries
CRES Crest Resources Inc. Mining
CRVC Cross River Ventures Corp. Mining
CVGR City View Green Holdings Inc. Diversified Industries
DOSE Rapid Dose Therapeutics Corp. Life Sciences
EMET Canamera Energy Metals Corp. Mining
EMPH Empatho Holdings Inc. Diversified Industries
ENBI Entheon Biomedical Corp. Life Sciences
ETR Etruscus Resources Corp. Mining
FIOR Fiore Cannabis Ltd. Life Sciences
FIT Koios Beverage Corp. Life Sciences
GAIA Gaia Grow Corp. Life Sciences
GET GameOn Entertainment Technologies Inc Technology
GHG Global Hemp Group Inc. Diversified Industries
GPK Grand Peak Capital Corp. Diversified Industries
GSL Green Scientific Labs Holdings Inc. Life Sciences
GWS Global Wellness Strategies Inc. Diversified Industries
HAVN HAVN Life Sciences Inc. Life Sciences
HBFG Happy Belly Food Group Inc. Life Sciences
HLTH Global Care Capital Inc. Diversified Industries
HP Hello Pal International Inc. Technology
IDLE.X Idle Lifestyle Inc. Diversified Industries
ISFT ICEsoft Technologies Canada Corp. Technology
JBR James Bay Resources Limited Oil and Gas
JKPT Kings Entertainment Group Inc. Diversified Industries
LION Global Li-Ion Graphite Corp. Mining
LOBE Lobe Sciences Ltd. Life Sciences
MANN Manning Ventures Inc. Mining
MPXI MPX International Corporation Life Sciences
NLV New Leaf Ventures Inc. Life Sciences
NSG Northstar Gold Corp. Mining
PBIC Plant-Based Investment Corp. Life Sciences
PERK Perk Labs Inc. Technology
PLAY Playground Ventures Inc. Technology
PRTI PR Technology Inc. Technology
PULL Pure Extracts Technologies Corp Life Sciences
RGLD Red Lake Gold Inc. Mining
ROO RooGold Inc. Mining
RSF Rritual Superfoods Inc. Diversified Industries
RVR Rift Valley Resources Corp. Mining
SGRO Sierra Grande Minerals Inc. Mining
SNR 79 Resources Ltd. Mining
SPR Sproutly Canada Inc. Life Sciences
ST Straightup Resources Inc. Mining
TEVO Tevano Systems Holdings Inc. Technology
TGOD The Green Organic Dutchman Holdings Ltd. Life Sciences
VEGI Boosh Plant-Based Brands Inc. Life Sciences
VENI Top Strike Resources Corp. Life Sciences
VR Victory Resources Corporation Diversified Industries
WDGY Wedgemount Resources Corp Mining
WESA Wesana Health Holdings Inc. Life Sciences
WEST West Mining Corp. Mining
WTEQ Wellteq Digital Health Inc Technology
XRA XRApplied Technologies Inc Technology
YUM Komo Plant Based Foods Inc. Life Sciences
ZTE ZTEST Electronics Inc. Technology

For more information about the CSE Composite Index, including the full list of securities and the index methodology, visit the CSE website.

Pour plus d’information sur l’indice composé CSE, incluant la liste complète des titres et la méthodologie indicielle, rendez-vous sur le site Web du CSE.

Contact Information/Coordonnées

Index Management/Gestion de l’indice :

Robert Cook

Senior Vice-President Market Development/Vice-président principal du développement          (416) 367-7349

Media Relations/Relations avec la presse:

Richard Carleton, CEO  (416) 367-7360